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start [2019/05/03 14:57]
jjlrm d
start [2020/05/09 12:38]
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-[12:​51] ​== franciliensRendsLArgent [webchat@EF99D60C.6A694E56.394F442.IP] has joined #​franciliens.net +====== Internet Cube Wiki <3 ====== 
-[12:51] abitbolg4458 [ocabot@cnx-117.at.franciliens.net] requested CTCP TIME from franciliensRendsLArgent+ 
-[12:51<​franciliensRendsLArgent>​ bonjour +Let's Build together a Free, Neutral and Decentralized Internet! 
-[12:51<​travis>​ Okay yhargla ! Et donc (désolé, je suis un peu un jeune padawan..............) , si j'ai bien compris, le dd sata je le laisse en continue branché à la brique ? + 
-[12:51<​franciliensRendsLArgent>​ yharglarends l'​argent +  * Site: https://​internetcu.be/ 
-[12:51<​franciliensRendsLArgent>​ travisrends l'​argent +  * Repo: https://​repo.internetcu.be/ 
-[12:51] -abitbolg4458You will be able to talk on #​franciliens.net in 240 seconds. ​Vous pourrez parler sur #​franciliens.net dans 240 secondes+  * Listes: https://​listes.labriqueinter.net/ 
-[12:51] == mode/#​franciliens.net [+b *!webchat@EF99D60C.6A694E56.394F442.IP] by abitbolg4458 +  * Installation (fr)https://​yunohost.org/#/​install_on_arm_board_fr 
-[12:52] <​@yhargla> ​https://wiki.labriqueinter.net/doku.php?id=howto:install_sata+  * Installation (en): https://​yunohost.org/#/​install_on_arm_board_en 
 +  * Git: https://​github.com/​labriqueinternet 
 +  * FAQhttps://​wiki.labriqueinter.net/​doku.php?​id=faq 
 +  * Meetings: ​[[meetings:index| Meetings]
 +  * [[howto:network|Network - Tips & Tricks]
 +  * [[howto:​fix_self_corrupt_mysql|How to fix MySQL when it self corrupt ​(yeah....)]] 
 +  ​* ​[[howto:daily_backup| Do a daily backup of your mysql and ldap database]
 +  * [[howto:install_sata|Install the system on a SATA drive]] 
 +  ​* ​[[howto:unlock_cryptroot_usb|Setup the encrypted Internet Cube to be unlocked with a USB key]
 +  * [[howto:install_odroid_c1|Install cube on an Odroid C1]] 
 +  ​* ​[[perf:lime2-wifi-bandwidth]
 +===== PADs ===== 
 +  * Débits : https://pad.gresille.org/​p/​test-debit-brique 
 +  * Notes : https://pad.computhings.be/p/brique 
 +  * Le «brique formation» ​: https://pad.lqdn.fr/p/​brique-formation 
 +===== D'​autres Wikies et infos ===== 
 +  * WEBLIB.RE - l'​Internet Auto-hébergé et Neutre ou La Brique Internet sur RaspberryPI (SVNET Libre) ​https://​www.weblib.re
  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/10/17 15:21
  • by hgo